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Adjusting your NScan settings to detect curves and lines with more or less points.

Before starting to use the software, users should adjust the NScan parameters to fit their unique needs. The NScan allows users to customize its settings and set up the system to automatically detect the curves and lines with more or less points. The NScan produces the best accurate description of the lines with such an approximation using an artificial intelligence method to select the points better than a human digitizer does. The NScan system is very singular, it allows you to save your file in different formats, virtually every CAD format, and it selects the points according to the particular file format.

Every CAD completes curves with different methods. The NScan will save curves with different artificial intelligence methods, so that the curves can be recovered accurately in the respective formats. This shows how careful the NScan is in selecting points with artificial intelligence.

To customize your NScan settings, simply go to the menu and click on Edit -> Options and select the “Automatic Digitizing” tab. There you can adjust the “Corner Sensitivity”, balance “Accuracy versus Smoothness” and adjust how the software identifies different points and lines. Users can also play with more advanced settings by clicking on “Advanced” and playing with features such as Minimum Piece size, Internal Cut Threshold, Outline Auto-Straighten, Notch Detection, Internal Lines, Image Contrast Level and Vendor Curve Precision. These settings should be customized according to the type of patterns companies’ digitze and the outcome the user is looking for.

-N-hega Team

About N-hega N-hega (pronounced “en-hay’-ga”) is a New York-based technology company whose mission is to develop, produce and market superior productivity enhancing systems for the apparel and related industries. N-hega’s development team consists of leading experts in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology.

Contact Information Phone: 212.222.7803 N-hega 740 Broadway, Suite 604 New York, NY 10003

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