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Introducing the NShaker, the fastest, most cost effective marker making solution

N-hega has already created the fastest way to digitize patterns – NScan. We now introduce NShaker, the fastest, most cost effective marker making solution.

What is NShaker?

NShaker is a fully automatic marker making and marker optimization software solution.

What does NShaker do?

Queues — Markers can be input to run in batch mode, either in the background on your PC while you work on other tasks or unattended overnight.

NS Auto — Will build a complete marker automatically from scratch.

NS Optimizer — will shorten previously made markers, saving valuable fabric.

Why is NShaker better than other automatic marking software?

Fast — create accurate costing markers in as little as 1 minute.Efficient — 1-3% fabric savings over all other leading automatic software. Flexible — Easy to learn, multiple output formats, native AccuMark, native Lectra (slight additional charge) and DXF. Optimizer module is included, not an expensive addon module. NShaker can work directly with the NScan scanner without a CAD system present for quick pattern input and yield calculations. These patterns and markers can then beemailed directly to your factory anywhere.

Least Cost — NShaker is a fraction of the cost of competitive software. Special Offer

We are now offering NShaker at a special price and trial option. Use itin your operation for 30 days. Only buy when you are satisfied. Formore information or to arrange a free trial, please contact us.

About N-hega

N-hega (pronounced “en-hay’-ga”) is a New York-based technology company whose mission is to develop, produce and market superior productivity enhancing systems for the apparel industry. N-hega’s development team consists of leading experts in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. The company has created the NScan, the world’s first automated, high-speed, pattern-piece digitizing system. For additional information about N-hega, please visit our web site at

Contact Information

Phone: +1 212-222-7803

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